Authenticity: Evening Self Assessment (AESA)

Personal Details

You must provide your name, student number and email address below. Your inputs to the "AESA" reflection will be sent to you immediately after you have submitted your form. This will enable you to have a complete record of your i-FlourishWell4Life journey.

Assess Today's Authenticity Levels

Reflect back on your day and then rate how well you did on each of the buidling blocks / elements of authenticity on a scale from 1 to 10, with higher ratings indicating more satisfaction and excellence or success than lower ones. If a specific element was not one of your intentions for the day, you can mark the NA (Not Applicable) option. Rate only the ones which were your priority for your day.


Please think about and then answer as many of the following promts as you like.

Each answer is limted to 10 000 characters - you therefore have more than enough freedom to give your thoughts.

Study the ratings you have given above for the various elements of your authenticity.

Thank you! Please submit your answers.